But of all these plants, it is the nettle that is the best
known to us, the calyces[1] of the blossoms of which produce a
purple down: it frequently exceeds two cubits even in
height.[2] There are numerous varieties of this plant; the
wild nettle, known also as the female nettle, does not inflict
so bad a sting as the others. Among the several varieties of
the wild nettle, the one known as the dog[3]-nettle, stings the
worst, the stem of it even possessing that property; the leaves
of the nettle are indented at the edge. There is one kind
also, which emits a smell, known as the Herculanean[4] nettle.
The seed of all the nettles is copious, and black. It is a singular fact that, though possessed of no spinous points, the
down[5] of the nettle is of a noxious nature, and that, though
ever so lightly touched, it will immediately produce an itching sensation, and raise a blister on the flesh similar in appearance to a burn: the well-known remedy for it is olive oil.
The stinging property of the nettle does not belong to the
plant at the earliest period of its growth, but only developes
itself under the influence of the sun. The plant first begins
to grow in the spring, at which period it is by no means a
disagreeable food;[6] indeed, it has become quite a religious observance to employ it as such, under the impression that it is
a preventive from diseases the whole year through. The root,
too, of the wild nettle, has the effect of rendering all meat
more tender that is boiled with it.[7] The kind that is innoxious
and destitute of all stinging properties, is known as the "la-
mium."[8] Of the scorpio[9] we shall have occasion to speak
when treating of the medicinal plants.
1. "Acetabulis." Fée complains of the use of this term (meaning a
"small cup") in relation to the calyces of the nettle; such not being in
reality their form.
2. Probably in allusion to the Urtica dioica, which grows to a greater
height than the Urtica urens. See B. xxii. c. 15.
3. "Canina." A variety, probably, of the Urtica urens, the nettle, with
the exception of the Urtica pilifera, which has the most stinging properties of all those found in Europe, and the leaves of which are the most
deeply indented.
4. This has not been identified. They are all of them either inodorous,
or else possessed of a faint, disagreeable smell.
5. This "lanugo," or down, as he calls it, consists of a fine elongated
tube of cellular tissue, seated upon a gland of similar tissue. In this
gland a poisonous fluid is secreted, and when any pressure is made upon
the gland, the fluid passes upwards in the tube. The nettle of the East,
known as the Devil's Leaf, is of so poisonous a quality as to produce
6. In some parts of the north of England and of Scotland the young
plant of the Urtica dioica is eaten as greens, and is far from a disagreeable
dish, strongly resembling spinach. It is also reckoned a very wholesome
diet, and is taken habitually in the spring, under the impression that it
purifies the blood. This notion, we see from the context, is as old as the
time of the Romans.
7. Dalechamps speaks of it as the custom in his time to wrap up fish
and game in nettles, under the impression that they would keep the longer
for it.
8. The dead nettle, or blind nettle. Sec B. xxii. c. 16.
9. See B. xxii. c. 17.